Reminder: Remove the cat before flying. (the reaction of when they detect that) (video)
Reminder: Remove the cat before flying. (the reaction of when they detect that) (video)

Routine baptism until ... the importance of looking into the wings before each flight. FYI the cat is fine, it continues with its implementation club mascot role At ULM club 16-34 in Kourou, French Guiana A standard flight until ... i still do not know if it got in after the pre flight check or if i missed it. The cat is doing well, she is still our mascot. Edit:
Ok Some details:
- Was the cat Inside the wing, not on it. She Was Actually pretty safe in there, Was the threat if she wanted to get down to reach us .. - I was the driver, the woman Was on her first flight as a passenger. she smile and giggle a lot, well that's what flying Because Does to People sometime. -i Told her not to reach for the cat. i Told her not to move at all Actually. i trusted the cat to not move if we did not try to reach for her. -you can see me smile Shortly before landing. I was pretty assured by Then que la cat Would not move and There Was a relieve of tension; and the radio exchange with the control tower was kinda hilarious, i could not contenir a smile.
-cat is a female.
-the long flight Was Normally 20minutes

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